Diversity, Inclusion and Access

The Colorado School of Mines’ Chemical Engineering Department strives to create a vibrant and welcoming academic environment for all. Recognizing the inherent strength that diversity brings to the field of chemical engineering, the department actively promotes an inclusive culture that embraces individuals from various backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. By fostering a community that values and respects differences, the department ensures that each student, faculty member, and staff member can fully contribute to and benefit from the rich tapestry of ideas and talents within the academic community. Moreover, the department is dedicated to providing equal access to educational resources and opportunities, ensuring that every student has the support they need to excel in their academic pursuits. Through these principles, the Colorado School of Mines’ Chemical Engineering Department is not only preparing future leaders in the field but is also shaping a diverse and inclusive landscape that reflects the broader global community.

Campus Resources Available To Students

Peruse the resources below to assist you on your journey at Mines. A healthy body and mind are just as important as a good GPA.

Mines Support Services

CARE at Mines
Crisis Assessment, Response and Education

Center for Academic Services an Advising 

Colorado Crisis Services
Immediately Connect to Someone for Support (1-844-493-TALK or text TALK to 38255).

Disability Support Services (DSS)
Assists in Providing Equal Access for Students with a Disability

Mines Counseling Center
Connect with Licensed and Experienced Professionals Available on Campus 

Raise Your Hand
ITS Assistance & Struggling to Stay Engaged or Facing Other Issues You can’t Seem to Surmount

Anonymously Report Sexual Violence, Discrimination, Research misconduct, Fraud, etc.

Title IX
Report Discriminatory Conduct, Harassment and Violence

Tips and Tools for Everything from Your Mental and Physical Health, to Friendships and Finding Balance

How has the department supported the DI&A initiative?

  • Released a student (UG and grad) climate survey to gauge student’s views on DI&A in the department in January 2021
  • Released a faculty climate survey to gauge faculty views on DI&A in the department in January 2021
  • Idalis Villanueva from the University of Florida gave a talk in January 2021 entitled “A multi- and mixed-method exploration of hidden curriculum and issues affecting women in science or engineering”
  • Increased the number of female speakers for the 2020-21 academic year for graduate colloquium as a part of our distinguished Shell Seminar Series
  • Invited DI&A Campus Committee representatives to give an overview of the initiative and invited students (UG and grad) from the department in September 2020
  • Conducted a self-assessment and service load survey in the department to gauge faculty views on DI&A in 2019

Check back regularly to see what we are up to.