CEGA is our Chemical Engineering Graduate Association, a place for all grad students in CBE to connect and collaborate! The CEGA board is a group that organizes social and professional development events for CBE graduate students and acts as a liaison to CBE professors and administration. Events in the past have included hikes, resume workshops, holiday events, and potlucks.
CEGA Board – 2024-2025:
President: Chelsea Johansen, 5th Year, Farnsworth Lab
Vice President: Joseph Briggs, 4th Year, Koh Lab
Secretary: Sami Siska, 4th Year, Boyle Lab
Treasurer: Lindsey Wadsworth, 4th Year, Koh Lab
Social Chair: Ashton Fremin, 3rd Year, Farnsworth Lab
Academic Chair: Noor Abdel Rahman, 3rd Year, Braun Lab
GSG Representative: Elise Collins, 2nd Year, Krebs Lab

CEGA President
Chelsea Johansen

CEGA Vice President
Joseph Briggs

CEGA Secretary
Sami Siska

CEGA Treasurer
Lindsey Wadsworth

CEGA Social Chair
Ashton Fremin

CEGA Academic Chair
Noor Abdel Rahman

CEGA GSG Representative
Elise Collins

CEGA 1st Year Rep
Lynsey Patterson
CEGA Events
Typical events that CEGA has put on or continues to put on include:
- First Year Mentorship Lunch
- Holiday events and celebrations
- Slices and Slides
- Dominos or Donuts with the Department Head
- End-of-the-year Potluck
- Practice events for qualifying exams, interviews, resume reviews
- Bowling, hiking, or other community-building outings
- and more!