Amadeu Sum’s Research

Professor Amadeu Sum’s research focuses on the study of phase transformations with special focus on water and its many phases, including clathrate, ice, and liquid water with applications in energy production, energy storage, and energy transformation. The research in his group applies the core of chemical engineering using a combination of experimental, theoretical, and computational tools. His research is diverse, with depth and breadth from the SCIENCE (fundamental) to the ENGINEERING (applied). Some of the projects currently in his group are: multiphase flow of gas hydrate slurry; thermodynamics and transportability of CO2-rich systems; formation, inhibition, accumulation of solids in multiphase aqueous electrolyte solutions; clathrate nucleation, growth and structure via molecular simulations.

Amadeu Sum teaches the Thermodynamics (core) and Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering (elective).  Students enjoy the elective course as it brings together their chemical engineering knowledge while also teaching them to computational tools and methods using Excel, Matlab, and Python to solve more complex engineering problems.

More information about Dr. Sum can be found on his faculty page.


To learn more about Dr. Sum’s research group, visit