
Mines Chemical & Biological
Engineering Alumni


This is your stage to shine.

Annette Bunge

Emerita Annette Bunge

Unit Ops '82

Unit Ops ’82

Chuck Vestal

Emeritus Chuck Vestal

Alumni Shoutouts

Undergraduate Program

Chloe Archuleta ’19

Chloe Archuleta

After graduation, Chloe went on to attend graduate school at Northwestern University.

Read her thank you note to Mines CBE faculty.

Graduate Program

Roger Rueff ’78, MS ’83, PhD ’85

Rueff, Roger

After graduation, Roger worked for Amoco Oil Company. One of his co-workers was Mark Furlong – also a graduate of Mines – who first introduced Roger to acting and playwrighting. Roger’s career eventually led him farther down the theater path, with his play developed into a large name film.

Mines Pride

Once an Oredigger, always an Oredigger. If you are new to the Chemical and Biological Engineering Alumni group, Congratulations on your achievements! If you are recently reconnecting with your alma mater, Welcome back!

The Chemical and Biological Engineering Department is excited to have alumni from many different backgrounds and interests.  Whether your involved in petroleum processing, colloids, semiconductors, or a non-traditional path, your CBE family at Mines is the place where alumni can reconnect.

If you would like to contribute an update to the website, please contact the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department.

Congrats Class of 2023!

The Chemical and Biological Engineering Department would like to congratulate the Class of 2023 on their amazing achievements and wish them luck for the future!

Annual #idigmines Event

#idigmines Giving Day happens once every year and is 24 hour event created to support your favorite causes. Don’t want to wait to support a cause?

Field Session in unit Ops

History of CDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering Book

CBE History Book


Diversity, Inclusion and Access

CBE@MINES is a strong supporter of underrepresented groups. With the formation of our DI&A committee in Fall 2019, we are working to break down barriers and provide opportunities for minority groups.

Learn more by viewing our DI&A webpage.

Student Organizations

CBE@MINES has many different student groups, providing undergraduate and graduates students with the opportunity to become more involved in the department outside of classes and research.

Learn more by viewing our Student Organizations webpage.

Research Honors

CBE@MINES has strong support for faculty and student research. UG students who are interested in a career in research have the opportunity to work in a professor’s lab. The recent addition of a department honor’s track also allows students to learn about thesis writing.

Learn more by viewing our Research webpage.


The Department gratefully acknowledges those who have so generously contributed over the past years. Your gifts make it possible for us to provide excellence in the Chemical and Biological Engineering curriculum and to pursue state-of-the-art research. Gifts can be designated for general needs or specific programs and scholarships.