David W.M. Marr
Gaylord and Phyllis Weaver Distinguished Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering

462 Alderson Hall
1613 Illinois Street
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 273-3008
The controlled assembly of colloidal particles has received significant attention because of their potential application as nano- and micro-structured materials. To vary their structure and behavior, we employ external fields, including applied time-varying electromagnetic, electric, and magnetic fields. Funded currently by the NIH, NSF and NASA, our goal is the creation of technologically-relevant platforms including micron-scale colloidal-based devices and microbots for biomedical treatment.
- BS – University of California, Berkeley
- MS, PhD – Stanford University
- Post-Doctoral Study – Raychem Corporation
- Education Abroad – Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany)
Research Group
- Dr. Matt Osmond, Colorado School of Mines
- Yan Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology
- Aaron Ishiki, Montana State
- Fangrong Zou, U of Florida
- Trevor Tong, Undergraduate
Selected Publications
- Y. Gao, B. Sprinkle, E. Springer, D.W.M. Marr, N. Wu, Rolling of Soft Microbots with Tunable Traction, Science Advances, 2023, 9(16), eadg0919.
- T. Yang, B. Sprinkle, Y. Guo, Jun Qian, D. Hua, A. Donev, D.W.M. Marr, and N. Wu, “Reconfigurable Microbots Folded from Simple Colloidal Chains”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2020, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2007255117.
- T. Yang, A. Tomaka, T.O. Tasci, K.B. Neeves, N. Wu, D.W.M. Marr, “Microwheels on Microroads: Enhanced Translation on Topographic Surfaces (downloadable link)“, Science Robotics, 2019, 4:32, DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aaw9525.
- D. Disharoon, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, “AC/DC Magnetic Fields for Enhanced Translation of Colloidal Microwheels“, Langmuir, 2019, 35:9, 3455–3460.
- T.O. Tasci, D. Disharoon, R.M. Schoeman, K. Rana, P.S. Herson, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Neeves, “Enhanced Fibrinolysis with Magnetically Powered Colloidal Microwheels”, Small, 2017, 1700954. DOI:10.1002/smll.201700954.
- T.O. Tasci, P.S. Herson, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, “Surface-Enabled Propulsion and Control of Colloidal Microwheels”, Nature Communications, 2016. DOI:10.1038/ncomms10225
- T. Sawetzki, S. Rahmouni, C. Bechinger, D.W.M. Marr, “In-Situ Assembly of Linked Geometrically-Coupled Microdevices”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2008, 150, 20141-20145. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0808808105
- A. Terray, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Microfluidic Control Using Colloidal Devices”, Science, 2002, 296, 1841.(Abstract, Full Text). DOI: 10.1126/science.1072133.
Honors and Awards
- 2024 Gaylord & Phyllis Weaver Distinguished Professorship
- 2020 Gaylord & Phyllis Weaver Distinguished Professorship
- 2014 Faculty Senate Distinguished Lecturer
- 2007-2008 Visiting Professor, Kasetsart University, Bangkok Thailand
- 2007 Dean’s Excellence Award
- 2006 Space Act Award, NASA Inventions and Contributions Board
- 2005-2008 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
- 2004 National Academy of Sciences, Frontiers of Science, Speaker; 1998 Participant
- 2000 Dow Outstanding New Faculty Award
- 1998-2002 NSF CAREER Award
Complete Publications List
M.H.-H. Pontius, C.-J. Ku, M. Osmond, D. Disharoon, Y. Liu, M. Warnock, D.A. Lawrence, D.W.M. Marr J, K.B. Neeves, J.A. Shavit, “Magnetically Powered Microwheel Thrombolysis of Occlusive Thrombi in Zebrafish”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2024,121 (10) e2315083121, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2315083121.
C.J. Zimmermann, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, “MicroTracker.jl: A Julia Package for Microbot Research”, Journal of Open Source Software, 2024, 9(94), 5804, DOI:10.21105/joss.05804.
C. Yunphuttha, S. Midpanon, D.W.M. Marr, P. Viravathana, Polyvinyl alcohol /nanocellulose nanocomposites from oil palm empty fruit bunch as anion exchange membranes for direct alcohol-hydrogen peroxide fuel cells, Cellulose, 2024, DOI:10.1007/s10570-023-05692-w.
A.K. Ishiki, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, Reversible µWheel Translation Induced by Polymer Depletion, Langmuir, 2023, DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01815.
C.J. Zimmermann, A.J. Petruska, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, Coupling Magnetic Torque and Force for Colloidal Microbot Assembly and Manipulation, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2023, DOI:10.1002/aisy.202300332.
E. Wolvington, L. Yeager, Y. Gao, C.J. Zimmermann, D.W.M. Marr, Paddlebots: Translation of rotating colloidal assemblies near an air/water interface, Langmuir, 2023, DOI:/10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00701.
Y. Gao, B. Sprinkle, E. Springer, D.W.M. Marr, N. Wu, Rolling of Soft Microbots with Tunable Traction, Science Advances, 2023, 9(16), eadg0919.
M.J. Osmond, E. Korthals, C.J. Zimmermann, E.J. Roth, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Neeves, Magnetically Powered Chitosan Milliwheels for Rapid Translation, Barrier Function Rescue, and Delivery of Therapeutic Proteins to the Inflamed Gut Epithelium, ACS Omega 2023, 8, 11614−11622. DOI:/10.1021/acsomega.3c00886
R. Mhanna, Y. Gao, I. Van Tol, E. Springer, N. Wu, D.W.M. Marr, “Chain Assembly Kinetics from Magnetic Colloidal Spheres”, Langmuir, 2022, DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c00343.
C.J. Zimmermann, P.S. Herson, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, “Multimodal Microwheel Swarms for Targeting in Three-Dimensional Networks”, Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, 5078.
C.J. Zimmermann, T. Schraeder, B. Reynolds, E.M. DeBoer, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, “Delivery and Actuation of Aerosolized Microbots”, Nano Select, 2022. DOI:10.1002/nano.202100353.
- D. Disharoon, B.G. Trewyn, P.S. Herson, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Neeves, “Breaking the Fibrinolytic Speed Limit with Microwheel Co-delivery of Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Plasminogen”, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2021, 20:2, (cover article), DOI:10.1111/jth.15617.
- E.J. Roth, C.J. Zimmermann, D. Disharoon, T.O. Tasci, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Neeves, “An Experimental Design for the Control and Assembly of Magnetic Microwheels”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 91:093701, 2020, DOI:.10.1063/5.0010805.
- O. Tasci, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, “Magnetic-Field Driven Colloidal Microbots, Methods for Forming and Using the Same”, Patent No. 10,722,250 7/28/2020.
- T. Yang, B. Sprinkle, Y. Guo, J. Qian, D. Hua, A. Donev, D.W.M. Marr, and N. Wu, “Reconfigurable Microbots Folded from Simple Colloidal Chains”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2020, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2007255117.
- D. Disharoon, D.W.M. Marr, and K.B. Neeves, “Engineered Micro- and Nanoparticles for Fibrinolysis”, Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 2019, 17:12, 2004-2015, (cover article) DOI:10.1111/jth.14637.
- T. Yang, A. Tomaka, T.O. Tasci, K.B. Neeves, N. Wu, D.W.M. Marr, “Microwheels on Microroads: Enhanced Translation on Topographic Surfaces (downloadable link)“, Science Robotics, 2019, 4:32, DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aaw9525.
- D. Disharoon, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, “AC/DC Magnetic Fields for Enhanced Translation of Colloidal Microwheels“, Langmuir, 2019, 35:9, 3455–3460.
- D. Disharoon, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Neeves, “Magnetically Powered Microbots for Rapid Ablation of Blood Clot”, SurFACTS in Biomaterials 2018, 23:3, 5-6.
- T. Sawetzki, C.D. Eggleton, S.A. Desai, D.W.M. Marr, “Dynamic Viscoelasticity as a Rapid Single-Cell Biomarker”, Patent No. 9,885,644 2/6/2018
- J. Squier, D.W.M. Marr, R. Applegate, T. Vestad, “Fiber-Focused Diode-Bar Optical Trapping for Microfluidic Manipulation”, Patent No. 9,878,326 1/30/2018.
- T. Yang, D.W.M. Marr, N. Wu, “Superparamagnetic colloidal chains prepared via Michael-addition“, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2018, 540, 23-28. DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfa.20178.12.044
- T.O. Tasci, D. Disharoon, R.M. Schoeman, K. Rana, P.S. Herson, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Neeves, “Enhanced Fibrinolysis with Magnetically Powered Colloidal Microwheels”, Small, 2017, 1700954. DOI:10.1002/smll.201700954
- T. Yang, T.O. Tasci, K.B. Neeves, N. Wu, and D. W.M. Marr, “Magnetic Microlassos for Reversible Cargo Capture, Transport, and Release”, Langmuir, 2017, 33 (23), 5932–5937 (cover article). DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b00357
- K. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, K. Roth, C. Eggleton “Optical Alignment Deformation Spectroscopy”, #9,487,812, 11/8/2016.
- F.J. Maier, T. Lachner, Thomas, T.O. Tasci, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, T.M. Fischer, “Non Reciprocal Skewed Rolling of a Colloidal Wheel due to Induced Chirality”, Soft Matter, 2016, 9314-9320, DOI: 10.1039/C6SM02143C
- C. Yunphuttha, S. Porntheeraphat, A. Wongchaisuwat, D.W.M. Marr, P. Viravathana, “Perovskite Catalysts for Micro Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Characterization of La1−xSrxMnO3 Perovskite Catalysts”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 16786-16793, DOI: 10.1039/C6CP02338J
- T.O. Tasci, P.S. Herson, K.B. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, “Surface-Enabled Propulsion and Control of Colloidal Microwheels”, Nature Communications, 2016. DOI:10.1038/ncomms10225
- A. Kasukurti, C.D. Eggleton, S.A.Desai, D.W.M. Marr, “FACS-style Detection for Real-time Cell Viscoelastic Cytometry”, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 105636-105642. DOI:10.1039/C5RA24097B
- K. Roth, K.B. Neeves, J. Squier, D.W.M. Marr, “High-throughput Linear Optical Stretcher for Mechanical Characterization of Blood Cells”, Cytometry A, 2015 (cover article). DOI:10.1002/cyto.a.22794
- I. Sraj, J. Francois, D.W.M. Marr, C. Eggleton, “Numerical Model for the Deformation of Nucleated Cells by Optical Stretchers”, Journal of Optics, 2015, 17(7), 075403.
- K.B. Roth, K.B. Neeves, J. Squier, D.W.M. Marr, “Imaging of a Linear Diode Bar for an Optical Cell Stretcher”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2015, 6(3), 807-814. DOI:10.1364/BOE.6.000807
- A. Kasukurti, C.D. Eggleton, S.A. Desai, D.I. Disharoon, D.W.M. Marr, “A Simple Microfluidic Dispenser for Single Microparticle and Cell Samples”, Lab on a Chip, 2014, 14 (24), 4673 – 4679. DOI:10.1039/c4lc00863d
- T. Sawetzki, C.D. Eggleton, S.A. Desai, D.W.M. Marr, “Viscoelasticity as a Biomarker for High-Throughput Flow Cytometry”, Biophysical Journal, 2013, 105(10), 2281-2288. DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2013.10.003
- K. Roth, C.D. Eggleton, K. Neeves, D.W.M. Marr, “Measuring Cell Mechanics by Optical Alignment Compression Cytometry”, Lab on a Chip, 2013, 13(8), 1571-1577. PMCID: PMC3623556, DOI: 10.1039/c31c41253a.
- M.W. Liberatore, D.W.M. Marr, A.M. Herring, J.D. Way. “Student created homework problems based on YouTube videos“, Chemical Engineering Education. 47, 2013, 122-132.
- J. Squier, D.W.M. Marr, R. Applegate, T. Vestad, J. Chichester “Optical Based Cell Deformability”, Patent No. 8,119,976 2/21/2012.
- T. Sawetzki, C.D. Eggleton, D.W.M. Marr, “Cell Elongation via Intrinsic Antipodal Stretching Forces”, Physical Review E, 2012, 86, 061901.
- I. Sraj, A.C. Szatmary, S.A. Desai, D.W.M. Marr, C.D. Eggleton, “Erythrocyte Deformation in High-Throughput Optical Stretchers”, Physical Review E, 2012, 041923. (Also featured in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology).
- A. Kasukurti, M. Potcoava, S.A. Desai, C.D. Eggleton, D.W.M. Marr, “Single Cell Isolation using a DVD Optical Pickup”, Optics Express, 2011, 19, 10377-10386. (Optics Express top-10 download for May, 2011. Also featured in the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics).
- D.W.M. Marr, T. Gong, D. Wu “Colloidal Crystallization via Applied Fields”, Patent No. 7,704,320 4/27/2010.
- I. Sraj, D.W.M. Marr, C.D. Eggleton, “Linear Diode Bar Optical Stretchers for Cell Deformation”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2010, 1, 482-488.
- I. Sraj, A.C. Szatmary, D.W.M. Marr, C.D. Eggleton, “Dynamic Ray Tracing for Modeling Optical Cell Manipulation”, Optics Express, 2010, 18, 16702-16714 . (Also featured in the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics).
- I. Sraj, C.D. Eggleton, R. Jimenez, E. Hoover, J. Squier, J. Chichester, D.W.M. Marr, “Cell Deformation Cytometry using Diode-Bar Optical Stretchers”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2010, 15, 047010. (Also featured in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research).
- J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr “Cell Sorting Device and Method of Manufacturing the Same”, Patent No. 7,472,794 1/6/2009.
- R.W. Applegate Jr., D.W.M. Marr, J. Squier, S. Graves, “Particle Size Limits when using Optical Trapping and Deflection of Particles for Sorting using Diode Laser Bars”, Optics Express, 2009, 17, 16731-16738.
- D. Schafer, M. Müller, M. Bonn, D.W.M. Marr, J. van Maarseveen, J. Squier, “CARS Microscopy for Quantitative Characterization of Mixing and Flow in Microfluidics”, Optics Letters, 2009, 34, 211-213. (Also featured in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscience and Technology and the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics).
- J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr “Laminar Flow-Based Separations of Colloidal and Cellular Particles”, Patent No. 7,318,902 1/15/2008.
- T. Sawetzki, S. Rahmouni, C. Bechinger, D.W.M. Marr, “In-Situ Assembly of Linked Geometrically-Coupled Microdevices”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2008, 150, 20141-20145. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0808808105
- R.W. Applegate Jr., J. Squier, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Fiber-Focused Diode-Bar Optical Trapping for Microfluidic Flow Manipulation”, Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92, 013904 (Also featured in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research the Virtual Journal of Nanoscience and Technology). DOI:10.1063/1.2829589
- J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr “Laminar Flow-Based Separations of Colloidal and Cellular Particles”, Patent No. 7,276,170 10/2/2007.
- D. Schafer, E.A. Gibson, W. Amir, R. Erikson, J. Lawrence, T. Vestad, J.A. Squier, R. Jimenez, D.W.M. Marr, “Three-dimensional Chemical Concentration Maps in a Microfluidic Device using Two-photon Absorption Fluorescence Imaging”, Optics Letters, 2007, 32, 2568-2570.
- D.W.M. Marr, T. Munakata, “Micro/Nanofluidic Computing”, Communications of the ACM 2007, 50:9, 64-68.
- R.W. Applegate Jr., D. Schafer, W. Amir, J. Squier, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Optically-Integrated Microfluidic Systems for Cellular Characterization and Manipulation”, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2007, 9, S122.
- J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr “Switchable Microfluidic Optical Waveguides”, Patent No. 7,155,082, 12/26/2006.
- S. Bleil, D.W.M. Marr, C. Bechinger, “Field Mediated Self Assembly and Actuation of Highly Parallel Microfluidic Devices”, Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88, 263515.(Also featured in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology). DOI:10.1063/1.2217168
- J. Santana-Solano, D.T. Wu, D.W.M. Marr, “Direct Measurement of Colloidal Particle Rotation and Field Dependence in Alternating Current Electrohydrodynamic Flows”, Langmuir, 2006, 22, 5932.
- M. Brown, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Optical Waveguides via Viscosity-Mismatched Microfluidic Flows”, Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88, 134109. DOI:10.1063/1.2190487
- R.W. Applegate Jr., J. Squier, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, P. Bado, M.A. Dugan, A.A. Said, “Microfluidic Sorting System Based on Optical Waveguide Integration and Diode Laser Bar Trapping”, Lab on a Chip, 2006, 6, 422.
- T. Stiles, R. Fallon, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, J. Squier, R. Jimenez, “Hydrodynamic Focusing for Vacuum-Pumped Microfluidics”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2005, 1, 280.
- D.W.M. Marr, T. Gong, J. Oakey, A. Terray “Microfluidic valve with a colloidal particle element”, Patent No. 6,802,489, 10/12/2004.
- R.W. Applegate Jr., J. Squier, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Optical Trapping, Manipulation, and Sorting of Cells and Colloids in Microfluidic Systems with Diode Laser Bars”, Optics Express, 2004, 12, 4390.(Also featured in Technology Research News)
- T. Gong, D.W.M. Marr, “Photon Directed Colloidal Crystallization”, Applied Physics Letters, 2004, 85, 3760. DOI:10.1063/1.1808471
- T. Vestad, D.W.M. Marr, J. Oakey, “Flow Control for Capillary-Pumped Microfluidic S
systems”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2004, 14, 1503.
- T. Vestad, T. Munakata, D.W.M. Marr, “Flow Resistance for Microfluidic Logic Operations”, Applied Physics Letters, 2004, 84, 5074 (cover article). (Also featured in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Technology Research News and Slashdot).DOI:10.1063/1.1764592
- T. Gong, D.T. Wu, D.W.M. Marr, “Electric Field Reversible Three-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals”, Langmuir, 2003, 19, 5967 (cover article). DOI:10.1021/la0340697
- P. Viravathana and D.W.M. Marr, “Synthesis of Colloidal Aluminosilicate for Light Scattering Investigations”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2003, 265, 15. DOI:10.1016/S0021-9797(03)00369-2
D.L. Williamson, D.W.M. Marr, E. Iwaniczko, B.P. Nelson “Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Studies of Hot-Wire CVD a-Si:H”, Thin Solid Films, 2003, 430, 192. DOI:10.1016/S0040-6090(03)00109-3- D.L. Williamson, D.W.M. Marr, J. Yang, B. Yan, S. Guha “Non-uniform H Distributions in Thin Film Hydrogenated Amorphous Si by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering”, Physical Review B, 2003, 67, 075314. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.67.075314
- H. Haruff, J. Munakata Marr, D.W.M. Marr, “Directed Bacterial Surface Attachment via Optical Trapping”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2003, 27, 189. DOI:10.1016/S0927-7765(02)00069-3
- T. Gong, D.T. Wu, D.W.M. Marr, “Two-Dimensional Electrohydrodynamically-Induced Colloidal Phases”, Langmuir, 2002, 18, 10064. DOI:10.1021/la026241x
- J. Oakey, J. Allely, D.W.M. Marr, “Laminar-Flow-Based Separations at the Microscale”, Biotechnology Progress, 2002, 18, 1439. DOI: 10.1021/bp0256216
- A. Terray, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Fabrication of Linear Colloidal Structures for Microfluidic Applications”, Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 81, 1555. DOI:10.1063/1.1503176 (Also featured on Nature Physics Portal)
- A. Terray, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Microfluidic Control Using Colloidal Devices”, Science, 2002, 296, 1841.(Abstract, Full Text). DOI: 10.1126/science.1072133 (Also featured in Technology Research News)
- T. Gong and D.W.M. Marr, “Electrically Switchable Colloidal Ordering in Confined Geometries”, Langmuir, 2001, 17, 2301. DOI:10.1021/la001740o
- C. Mio, T. Gong, A. Terray, D.W.M. Marr, “Morphological Control of Mesoscale Colloidal Models”, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2001, 185, 157. DOI:10.1016/S0378-3812(01)00466-6
- C. Mio and D.W.M. Marr, “Optical Trapping for the Manipulation of Colloidal Particles”, Advanced Materials, 2000, 12, 917.
- D.L. Williamson, D.W.M. Marr, B.P. Nelson, E. Iwaniczko, J. Yang, B. Yan, S. Guha, “Small-Angle Neutron Scattering from Device-Quality a-Si:H and a-Si:D Prepared by PECVD and HWCVD”, MRS volume 609, 2000. DOI:10.1557/PROC-609-A16.2
- J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Schwartz, M. Wartenberg, “An Integrated AFM and SANS Approach Toward Understanding Void Formation in Conductive Composite Materials”, Macromolecules, 2000, 33, 5198. DOI:10.1021/ma0000024
- C. Mio, T. Gong, A. Terray, D.W.M. Marr, “Design of a Scanning Laser Optical Trap for Multiparticle Manipulation”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2000, 71, 2196. DOI:10.1063/1.1150605
- K. Swaminathan and D.W.M. Marr, “Morphology Characterization of High-Impact Resistant Polypropylene using AFM and SALS”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2000, 78, 452.
- P. Viravathana and D.W.M. Marr, “Optical Trapping of Titania/Silica Core-Shell Colloidal Particles”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2000, 221, 301. DOI:10.1006/jcis.1999.6603
- C. Mio and D.W.M. Marr, “Tailored Surfaces using Optically Manipulated Colloidal Particles”, Langmuir, 1999, 15, 8565. DOI:10.1021/la990610g
- J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Schwartz, M. Wartenberg, “The Influence of Polyethylene and Carbon Black Morphology on Void Formation in Conductive Composite Materials – A SANS Study”, Macromolecules, 1999, 32, 5399. DOI:10.1021/ma990160z
- D.W.M. Marr, M. Wartenberg, K.B. Schwartz, M.M. Agamalian, G.D. Wignall, “Void Morphology in Polyethylene/Carbon Black Composites”, Macromolecules, 1997, 30, 2120. DOI:10.1021/ma961227a
- R. Viswanathan, J. Tian, D.W.M. Marr, “Morphology Characterization in Multicomponent Macromolecular Systems using Scanning Probe Phase Microscopy”, Langmuir, 1997, 13, 1840. DOI:10.1021/la9607823
- D.W.M. Marr and J.D. Way, “Using the Intranet in Chemical Engineering Instruction”, Chemical Engineering Education, 1997, 31, 110.
- D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Schwartz, M.F. Wartenberg, G.D. Wignall, M. Agamalian, “Void Morphology in Polyethylene/Carbon Black Composites”, in Morphological Control in Multiphase Polymer Mixtures, MRS volume 461:173 1997.
- R. Viswanathan, D.W.M. Marr, J. Tian, “Morphology Characterization in Multicomponent Polymer Blend Systems using Scanning Probe Microscopy”, in Morphological Control in Multiphase Polymer Mixtures, MRS volume 461:211 1997.
- R. Viswanathan and D.W.M. Marr, “AFM and SALS Characterization of Spherulitic Structure in Polyethylene”, Langmuir, 1996, 12,1084. DOI:10.1021/la950460j
- D.W.M. Marr and A.P. Gast, “A Density-Functional Approach to Investigation of Solid-Fluid Interfacial Properties”, ACS Symposium Series, ACS books, 1996, 629,229.
- D.W.M. Marr, “Neutron Scattering Studies of a Semicrystalline Homopolymer and Copolymer Blend”, Macromolecules, 1995, 28, 8470. DOI:10.1021/ma00129a002
- D.W.M. Marr, “Toward Determining the True Hard-Sphere Interfacial Free Energy”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1995, 102, 8283. DOI:10.1063/1.468961
- D.W.M. Marr and A.P. Gast, “The Orientational Dependence of the Interfacial Tension in the Adhesive-Sphere System”, Physical Review E, 1995, 52, 4058. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.52.4058
- D.W. Marr and A.P. Gast,”Interfacial free energy between hard-sphere solids and fluids”, Langmuir, 1994, 10, 1348. DOI:10.1021/la00017a006
- D.W. Marr and A.P. Gast, “On the solid-fluid interface of adhesive spheres”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1993, 99, 2024. DOI:10.1063/1.465265
- D.W. Marr and A.P. Gast, “Planar density-functional approach to the solid-fluid interface of simple liquids”, Physical Review E, 1993, 47, 1212. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.47.1212