David W.M. Marr

Gaylord and Phyllis Weaver Distinguished Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Marr, DaveThe controlled assembly of colloidal particles has received significant attention because of their potential application as nano- and micro-structured materials. To vary their structure and behavior, we employ external fields, including applied time-varying electromagnetic, electric, and magnetic fields. Funded currently by the NIH, NSF and NASA, our goal is the creation of technologically-relevant platforms including micron-scale colloidal-based devices and microbots for biomedical treatment.



  • BS – University of California, Berkeley
  • MS, PhD – Stanford University
  • Post-Doctoral Study – Raychem Corporation
  • Education Abroad – Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany)

Selected Publications

Google Scholar Citations Page

Honors and Awards

  • 2024 Gaylord & Phyllis Weaver Distinguished Professorship
  • 2020 Gaylord & Phyllis Weaver Distinguished Professorship
  • 2014 Faculty Senate Distinguished Lecturer
  • 2007-2008 Visiting Professor, Kasetsart University, Bangkok Thailand
  • 2007 Dean’s Excellence Award
  • 2006 Space Act Award, NASA Inventions and Contributions Board
  • 2005-2008 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
  • 2004 National Academy of Sciences, Frontiers of Science, Speaker; 1998 Participant
  • 2000 Dow Outstanding New Faculty Award
  • 1998-2002 NSF CAREER Award


462 Alderson Hall
1613 Illinois Street
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 273-3008

Research Group

  • Dr. Matt Osmond, Colorado School of Mines
  • Yan Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Aaron Ishiki, Montana State
  • Fangrong Zou, U of Florida
  • Trevor Tong, Undergraduate
Complete Publications List